Saturday, April 16, 2011

Disappointing "non trip"

How many times have you planned for every contingency, only to have your trip disintegrate before it even begins? Last weekend my buddy Dean and I were heading to the Adirondacks to snowshoe the Siamese Ponds Wilderness Area. About 4 hours into the drive, just below Albany, NY, we stopped for a bathroom break only to discover my truck had developed a leaky water pump. Obviously I'd rather break down on the way home than another hour further along so we turned around. We babied the truck home, adding water along the way, and I replaced the faulty water pump the next day. It's such a frustrating waste to drive 450 miles and not walk a single step. Oh well, we're going to try it again next week. At least I've eliminated one more "trip killer" from the long list of possibilities...............


  1. Sorry to hear, hopefully you will have better luck next week. I gather you have snow still. BTW I like the new blog layout.

  2. Thanks Nielsen, the new layout is growing on me, lol.

    Yes, the 'dacks will probably have snow into May. I'm excited to get out for one last "winter" trip. The good news is that if the snow didn't hold up where I want to go, I just have to go a little further north to the High Peaks. They have a good base up there. I'm excited to be able to share that here.

  3. I had the thermostat jam shut on one trip, managed to make it to the start of the walk. Then once back at the car I rang the wife who brought a friend’s car trailer out to get us home. One of those trips you will always remember :)

  4. wazza, yeah that was a debate. In the end I was concerned with the fact that it would have been a little hypocritical of me to go on a hike because of my love of the outdoors, but then leave antifreeze to contaminate the parking lot while I was out. If it were a different mechanical problem I'm sure I would have hiked too, if it were possible. Definitely a tough choice sometimes. I'm glad you were able to get your hike in. :)
